Surf coaching session 1

Key coaching objectives: deepening the bottom turn (when able to in small conditions) and projecting into the pocket for a vertical top turn. Projecting lateral manoeuvres on the shoulder results in loss of speed and counter balance.


In smaller surf you almost need to hit the whitewater or the folding lip to gain push back and drama in the turn from the wave. Delaying the bottom turn bringing the pivot arm forward to ensure positive rail engagement, not extending or counter rotating too soon, wind up the kinetic energy, torque, pause, drive and release.


We had a great follow up session in some crazy foggy & pumping surf conditions. Sign up & subscribe to see session 2.

First coaching session with Pepijn and Mirna, two surfers from the Netherlands in small, clean waves perfect for training repetition.


If you want to improve your surfing and feel you would benefit from video surf coaching sessions with JWC please sign up for the newsletter, contact us and subscribe to the JWC YouTube channel for more surfing clips, tips, surf coaching travel destinations.


Justin West is a surfer, surf coach, fitness trainer, surf traveler and mixed martial arts enthusiast. JWCAST is a series of ad lib talks, surf video clips and coaching session notes.