Ever thought of a surf trip to Madagascar? With a variety of quality uncrowded waves perfect place to help develop your surf technique with an experienced guide and coach Justin West.
Surfing in its purest form is the feeling of freedom and happiness riding ocean waves. You don't have to ride a branded high-performance surfboard or wear the latest wetsuit as the Madagascar local crew remind us at Befasy Point.
JWC discusses the future of wave pools in the sport of surfing, its potential in the Olympics 2020.
Opening up the sport to wakeboarders & snowboarders by removing the need to paddle in and effectively changing the surfboard design with the potential to using foot straps.
Two hours farming, six hours surfing with Luca Guichard & San Pindsle and an HiiT post surf work out; we deserved a dinner out with our buddy San and a special vitamin juice smoothie thanks to Luis from Agua Salgada in Sagres! We had plenty of footage on the video camera today but it will be necessary to cut & edit, surf was small but with the occasional doubling up of a wave with some good shape. Key learning & coaching objectives: You think you don't have any more energy; you...